Under 3.5 Goals

EGY Tanta VS Haras El Hodood Under 3.5 0:1
EGY Raya VS Proxy Under 3.5 1:1
EGY Al Qanah VS Al-Sekka Under 3.5 3:0
ARG B Claypole VS Sportivo Barracas Under 3.5 0:2
POR Estrela VS SC Farense Under 3.5 0:3
SWE Trelleborg VS Degerfors Under 3.5 1:1
UKR Zhytomyr VS Vorskla Poltava Under 3.5 1:0
EGY Ceramica Cleopatra VS Pharco Under 3.5 1:1
ARG B CSR Espanol VS Deportivo Paraguayo Under 3.5 1:0
ARG Racing Cordoba VS Quilmes Under 3.5 1:0
ITA Genoa VS Cagliari Under 3.5 3:0
From our partner tips.gg

Under 3.5 goals prediction is the surest option where you pick games that will not score more than three(3) goals in the football match.

Our expert too so much time to analyze, forcast, check head to head, check their past matches in other to predict if the match will end with over 3.5 goals or under 3.5 goals before the pick the game.

In these particular category called under 3.5 needs understanding, you need to undestand the two(2) teams that are going to play each other, check if the have played beofore (thats head to head), how they use to play, if they are scoring team or not.

This Under 3.5 goals Prediction means you believe there will be 3 or less goals in the game.

When there are 4 goals or more in the game, you will lose the bet. So if you were to go back below under 3.5 goals prediction you would win if one of the following results ended with the outcome of the game: 0-0, 1-1, 1-0, 0-1, 2-0, 0-2, 2-1, 1-2, 3-0 and 0-3.