venasbet April 28, 2024

The most common superstitions when it comes to online gambling

The most common superstitions when it comes to online gambling

Gamblers are a superstitious lot. With so much money changing hands based purely on chance, players have come to believe in all sorts of rituals and practices that can influence their luck and bring fortune their way – or so they hope.

When it comes to gambling online, players allow their various superstitions to play out in virtual form. Some repeat specific mouse clicks or keyboard taps in hopes of influencing the randomly-generated outcome. Others point and shout at the screen as if their reaction can help steer the dice where they want it to land.

Of course, none of these superstitions actually sway the impartial computer algorithms that govern online casinos and dictate payouts. But that doesn’t make players any less committed to their belief systems. Let’s look at some of the most common superstitions that arise around internet gambling.

Wearing lucky clothing or hats while playing

Some players firmly believe that wearing certain items of clothing while gambling online will bring them luck. Red is considered a particularly fortunate color in many cultures. Other players may have a lucky hat, socks, or even underwear that they wear during gameplay for extra luck!

Of course, the computer can’t see what you’re wearing. But these clothing superstitions can act as a psychological boost to player confidence. If you believe you’ll get lucky results, you’re more likely to take risks and keep playing.

Specific rituals before placing bets

Many gamblers engage in small rituals before placing a bet or hitting the button to spin the slots. This might involve things like:

  • Crossing their fingers
  • Rubbing a lucky charm
  • Knocking on wood
  • Saying a small prayer
  • Blowing on the dice on screen

These rituals give players a sense of control over an outcome that is actually totally random. The computer doesn’t know whether you knocked wood before hitting bet, but that action makes some players feel luckier.

Believing certain days or times are more fortunate

If a player has had good results playing online poker on a Friday in the past, they may consider Fridays a lucky day. Others may believe they get better online gambling results at night instead of during daylight hours.

This extends to numerology too. If a player’s birthday is on the 7th, they may claim 7 is their lucky number. So they always bet $7 or look for slot games that feature sevens.

Of course – assuming the site’s games are truly random – the computer doesn’t actually payout more on Fridays or at 7PM or to people thinking about lucky number 7. But these beliefs give players a sense of control.

Not changing out of “lucky seat” when on a winning streak

Some gamblers who play online from a laptop have a favorite spot where they sit with their computer while gambling. If they’ve been having good results for several games, they may refuse to get up from that seat until their winning streak ends. They believe that changing seats will cause their luck to end.

Similar to the lucky clothing superstitions, this likely works because it removes worries from the player’s mind. They might worry: If I get up now, will my luck disappear? By staying put, they don’t ruin their mindset.

Fearing certain numbers as unlucky

Just as certain numbers are considered lucky by players, other numbers get labeled as unlucky. In Western cultures, 13 is often viewed as very unlucky. Some online gamblers avoid slot machines or betting positions with the number 13 featured prominently.

If a player gets a run of bad beats happening involving an unlucky number, confirmation bias can set in. They’ll selectively remember all the times number 13 caused bad luck, while forgetting failures not involving that number.

Believing Higher Power is influencing outcomes

Religious individuals who gamble online often think their wins or losses may be the will of a Higher Power like God, Fate, or supernatural forces like luck itself. When events don’t seem to follow odds and probability, it’s easy to chalk outcomes up to divine intervention.

This belief can inspire some players to keep gambling if they are on a losing streak. They may believe that since they have been very unlucky so far, God or the universe “owes them” a streak of good luck to compensate.

Spotting patterns in truly random outcomes

The human brain is wired to look for patterns. So online gamblers often fall victim to seeing patterns in results generated by truly random number generators. Two heads in a row in a coinflip may seem to indicate you’re “due” for tails next. A run of 7 red outcomes in roulette may seem to imply that black is overdue.

Of course, no such patterns actually exist in random systems like these. But that doesn’t stop players from seeing and believing in them. When events line up with the perceived “patterns”, the player feels smart and lucky without realizing they fell for an illusion.

Changing games when results seem “cold”

Losing multiple games in a row, a player may come to believe their current game has “turned cold” – meaning the random number generator is not being kind to them currently. So they exit to try a new game, believing other games might now offer better luck.

Much like changing seats or changing clothing, this represents an attempt to “reset one’s luck.” There’s no actual truth to it. But the psychological refresh of moving to a new environment may improve player morale and confidence.

Not gambling on one’s “unlucky day”

Some players put a lot of stock in daily horoscopes, fortune cookies, or other assigned designations of lucky vs unlucky days. If a horoscope says to avoid risk today, they might skip their online gambling session entirely rather than “tempt fate” and play on an unlucky day.

Sure enough, confirmation bias can make bad results on such “unlucky” days stand out while players forget all the times the horoscope predictions were wrong. But skipping sessions seems wise to players if they feel it helps them avoid some bad luck.

So while none of these common superstitions have any true impact on randomly generated gambling outcomes, they do serve purposes. They give players a feeling of control amid chaos. They allow players to preserve and reset mindsets. And they make games more exciting by giving players an illusion of influencing outcomes through rituals and beliefs.

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